
Environmental Site Assessment Phase I
  • Shall be in accordance with guidelines codes, regulations,policies, and permits required by the City of San Antonio:
    • Unified Development code (UDC)
    • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
    • San Antonio Water System Resource Protection and Compliance Department
    • US Fish and Wildlife Service
    • Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
    • Other environmental related organizations
  • Property designated for the project falls within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone and Mandatory Detention Zone
  • Water Pollution Abatement Plan
  • Aquifer Protection Plan
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone in Bexar County Map

Tree Preservation
  • Tree Delineation Alternative
    • Final tree canopy required by the UDC: 25% of total tree canopy
    • Final tree canopy preserved: 28%
    • Total tree canopy removed: 72%
    • Habitat Compliance form
      • Karst zone 2
      • Not in GCWES zone
    • Tree Permit Application
Tree Preservation Plan

  1. US Fish and Wildlife Service
  2. UTSA Karst Fauna Region
  3. Zone 2: Areas having a high probability of containing suitable habitat for invertebrate karst species

  • Texas Parks and Wildlife department
  • Not in the Golden-cheeked Warbler Endangered Species Habitat zone

Sand Filter System

  • TCEQ Edwards Aquifer Rules: Technical Guidance on Best Management Practices
  • Sand Filter System
    • Two basins: Pretreatment/Sedimentation basin and Filtration basin
    • Flow Diversion Structure evenly disperses inflow
    • Filtered bed
    • Underdrain pipe system
    • Perforated riser between basins
    • Overflow Spillway

  • Basin Size
    • Size based on WQV with added 20% to accommodate for sediment buildup
    • Depth: 6ft
    • Length-to-width ratio 2:1
  • Perforated Pipe
    • 1” diameter perforations spaced vertically at 2-½”
  • Rip rap erosion protection
  • Filtered bed:
    • 3” top soil
    • 18” sand
    • 6” gravel and underdrain system
      • 4” Schedule 40 PVC pipe
      • ⅜” diameter perforations
      • 1% slope
    • Geotextile fabric encasing sand layer
    • Grass cover aid in pollution adsorption
  • Overflow Spillway
    • 3:1 slope