Civil and Land Development

Site Development

Site Basic Info

  • Undeveloped land 5.0 ac.
  • Proposed development of 3.6 ac
  • 72% increase of impervious cover
  • 100-year storm

Existing Conditions

  • Fire hydrant located on northwest side of property.
  • 6 Utility poles (To be relocated by CPS)


San Antonio Water System

  • Water
    • 1” Domestic Water Line
    • 2-6” Fire Water Lines
    • No Irrigation Line
    • Total EDU = 1
  • Sewer
    • 8” Sewer Extension Line of 762’ to North of Property
    • 6” Sewer Line from proposed 8” Sewer line to inside of storage facility.
    • Total EDU =1

Fire Protection Plan

Fire Demand

  • Minimum 25’ wide fire lane
  • 2 Fire Hydrants
  • Building Type IIB
  • S.F = 54,450
  • Requirement of 2125 GPM
  • 2 Hydrants

Grading and Drainage

Drainage Design

  • Rational Method
  • 10 drainage areas
  • 3’ x 3’ grate inlet
  • 24” diameter pipe
  • Exits to detention pond